• The innovation behind what we do
    connects your opportunities
    with the most talented resources.

We have innovative methods to attract top talent resources where they live and play.

Our strategy is not only to market your openings to draw in resources, but to also bring the opportunities directly to candidates.

  • Our growing and evolving resource database nurtures millions of candidates
  • Our technology advances help us to focus in on making a quality fit
  • Our social media strategy draws out potential candidates that are overlooked
  • We have prime real estate on all necessary job boards
  • Job fairs allow us to focus on candidates that provide more skillset value than experience
  • Our proactive recruiting campaigns target talent with personal connections

What We Do

In a vast universe of candidates, it can be challenging to find qualified individuals and even harder still, to find candidates that fit your team culture and values. Ascent’s expansive human network, combined with our experienced team of talent managers will function like the engine you need to bring you resources in a process both efficient and effective.